Thursday, April 5, 2007

research paper

Research Paper

Basically, my first topic was not approved by my supervisor. She mentioned that the topic that I chose had been discussed in class. Nevertheless, she suggested for me to find other Shakespeare’s plays. I agreed and I went to the library and also seek the information through the Internet.
Frankly, there are a lot of Shakespeare’s plays and they are not easy to be comprehended or analyzed. Mind spinning! Then I remembered that I watched a play by the famous writer entitled “A Midsummer Nights Dream” and I deem it is an interesting play. Later, I found out other play which is suitable for me which is “Much Ado About Nothing”.
After analyzing these two plays, I realized that they share the similarity which concern about humors and also comedies. Later, I highlighted the issue and focused more on humors and comedies in the both plays.
I deciphered the information once again via Internet and also library. Many information I could gain, but I have to edit to make an extra efforts for it. I want to get A!!!!

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