Friday, April 6, 2007


The essay

Recalling my school days, learning onhow to write an essay was a tedious task since the creativity in elaborating our ideas through the writing tasks. Plus, I guess I am not good in writing, since my vocabulary is still not very good. Nevertheless, I am trying ahead to upgrade my skills in writing. What conjure in my mind when facing the essay question is on how to impress the readers in reading my essays. Honestly, I still bear in mind that I am still learning.
I have read the essay from George Orwell; I would say it is one of the best essays that I have ever read previously. Thank you to Dr. Edwin for giving the clear guidance about this essay. According to him essay can be studied effectively 3- poled frame of reference, they are: the pole of personal or autobiographical, the pole of objective, the factual, the concrete particular and lastly the pole of the abstract-universal.
Based on this essay, it deals with issue: oppression by the British on the Burmese. The major conflict for the writer is, he is supposed to e the colonizer but the people whom be colonized, persuaded him to kill the elephant. This scenario leads the writer to have dilemma in his life.
All in all, I would say it is an interesting essay to be read since it engages writer’s experiences and manage to capture readers’ attentions. I have to read more essays in developing my creativity in writing an effective essay.

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