Friday, April 6, 2007


Tales, Myths and Legends

All these three elements in literary text have their own significant in studying literature. But the most target answer for these three is fictitious (sometimes). I would say it is a way for entertainment purpose, but yet they still have their good lessons to be taken into consideration.
The example for these are, The Fox and The Crow ( which is the most favorable to me during my childhood days), The Jay and The Peacock, which entails vague moral but the lesson that I could gain is, it is not look who makes you are, it is your deeds, Androcles and many more.
This genre plays important role for people those days since this is the way to fill their spacious time together with their family especially the children, in inculcating good morals and lessons. All in all, I would say this genre may be good for me especially in recalling my childhood days with full of enjoyments

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