Friday, April 6, 2007



Speech is synonymous to the ovation. It is the way for the speakers to present their thoughts or cases in spoken manners. One major example is the use of soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play whereby the character presents their thoughts through their speech and addressing the talking to the audience.
I view the speech is an art for since it presents thought to audience to stand views. Plus, speech deals with presenting logical and clear arguments. Dr. Edwin views Sukarno is the best speakers in the Asia countries.
As for the good speech that I have ever read is by Marin Luther King, Jr, entitles, “I Have A Dream”. Basically, this speech is delivered I order to have the equal rights for the Black in White country. The speaker laments about many things especially he thinks that the present situation is completely unacceptable whereby the Negro people do not have prerogatives in election.
All in all, the speech is really meaningful to me since it portrays a dissatisfaction of discriminated people. As a human being, we are equal but the superior might think they are good enough in everything, but do not predict something that is really beyond your mental ability.

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