Friday, April 6, 2007



Time slipped away so fast just like blinking my both eyes. Today is the last day for me to submit my final draft after few weeks meeting with my supervisor, correcting what were wrong and added on the lamentation through her eyes. Somehow, she is really a good person since she concerns more on structured works. For instance, she never gives up in checking up every single word that I typed in my research paper, including minor mistakes though it can be condoned.

What the best word to portray her would be “the perfectionist”. She tends to spend time with me and sometimes I felt so doubtful in meeting her, considering that she might busy with her works. May be she is the ‘iron lady” through my eyes. I guess the experience to have her as my supervisor is an eye opener or rewarding experience that I will not forget in my life.
Thanks a lot to my supervisor, Dr. Fauziah Hassan and also my repected lecturer, Associate Professor Doctor Edwin Malachi Vethamani. May god bless both of you.

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