Thursday, March 29, 2007

Research paper

In the early of February, I managed to meet my supervisor.
She guided me and we reach into a consensus whereby we are going to meet every Wednesday
afterI have sent my research paper draft.
Basically, I will give the drafts on Monday. Then, on Tuesday she will check and like I said erlier on, she will discuss with me on how to improve my drafts.
I am delightful and thankful to have her as my supervisor. Thankgoodness!!!!
Basically, it is not an easy task to find an apt topic to be discussed, mind boggling!!!
I ought to browse the information through the Internet in order to give the vivid information.
My first topic would be engages with Antigone and King Lear. but, my supervisor wants me to change to another topic. urgh!!!!!
I would never given up sine I am determined person!!!! I will alter my topic

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