Friday, April 6, 2007



Time slipped away so fast just like blinking my both eyes. Today is the last day for me to submit my final draft after few weeks meeting with my supervisor, correcting what were wrong and added on the lamentation through her eyes. Somehow, she is really a good person since she concerns more on structured works. For instance, she never gives up in checking up every single word that I typed in my research paper, including minor mistakes though it can be condoned.

What the best word to portray her would be “the perfectionist”. She tends to spend time with me and sometimes I felt so doubtful in meeting her, considering that she might busy with her works. May be she is the ‘iron lady” through my eyes. I guess the experience to have her as my supervisor is an eye opener or rewarding experience that I will not forget in my life.
Thanks a lot to my supervisor, Dr. Fauziah Hassan and also my repected lecturer, Associate Professor Doctor Edwin Malachi Vethamani. May god bless both of you.



Honestly speaking I am not the gift of the gab, but I managed to pull my classmates attentions through my presentation. Previously, I have practice many times in order to give the better impact towards the audiences when speaking English. Some says that my English good in terms of speaking but, I admit that I am still learning and there is a need for me to learn on how to utter words I proper way.

Overall, imaged to present the main points well, that is the thing that I need to do, Miss Baiti just smiled at me upon completing my presentation. May be something funny on me made her smiled or perhaps she was proud that we, as Kelantanese can speak English well and put aside all the premature judgments given to us as Kelantenese.

I wish to have better marks for this position paper. I want to get A!!!!!



Speech is synonymous to the ovation. It is the way for the speakers to present their thoughts or cases in spoken manners. One major example is the use of soliloquy in Shakespeare’s play whereby the character presents their thoughts through their speech and addressing the talking to the audience.
I view the speech is an art for since it presents thought to audience to stand views. Plus, speech deals with presenting logical and clear arguments. Dr. Edwin views Sukarno is the best speakers in the Asia countries.
As for the good speech that I have ever read is by Marin Luther King, Jr, entitles, “I Have A Dream”. Basically, this speech is delivered I order to have the equal rights for the Black in White country. The speaker laments about many things especially he thinks that the present situation is completely unacceptable whereby the Negro people do not have prerogatives in election.
All in all, the speech is really meaningful to me since it portrays a dissatisfaction of discriminated people. As a human being, we are equal but the superior might think they are good enough in everything, but do not predict something that is really beyond your mental ability.



Deep down in my heart, I would admit that I have never heard about this word until I came to Dr. Edwin class and reading an example by him. Autobiography is something that is written by someone in order to tell the readers about the process in his or her life.
In the autobiography by Nelson Mandela entitles, “The Long Walk to Freedom” I would say is a sad mileage of one’s life. Imagining in his shoes, I would ponder myself whether I could face all the hurdles using my endeavors and strengths in prison.
Being locked up in prison means we are just like having less connection with people especially the beloved ones. Loneliness is a must whereby we have no one to talk to and boredom is our companion. The writer also mentions about the Apartheid regulations which confined the Black people.
Overall, I like this autobiography and thinking of writing mine too, since I have many things that I have gone through for all this while. All in all, thanks to our leaders for ruling Malaysia in harmony without major chaos although this nation comprises of many races but we still unite in many ways.


Tales, Myths and Legends

All these three elements in literary text have their own significant in studying literature. But the most target answer for these three is fictitious (sometimes). I would say it is a way for entertainment purpose, but yet they still have their good lessons to be taken into consideration.
The example for these are, The Fox and The Crow ( which is the most favorable to me during my childhood days), The Jay and The Peacock, which entails vague moral but the lesson that I could gain is, it is not look who makes you are, it is your deeds, Androcles and many more.
This genre plays important role for people those days since this is the way to fill their spacious time together with their family especially the children, in inculcating good morals and lessons. All in all, I would say this genre may be good for me especially in recalling my childhood days with full of enjoyments


The essay

Recalling my school days, learning onhow to write an essay was a tedious task since the creativity in elaborating our ideas through the writing tasks. Plus, I guess I am not good in writing, since my vocabulary is still not very good. Nevertheless, I am trying ahead to upgrade my skills in writing. What conjure in my mind when facing the essay question is on how to impress the readers in reading my essays. Honestly, I still bear in mind that I am still learning.
I have read the essay from George Orwell; I would say it is one of the best essays that I have ever read previously. Thank you to Dr. Edwin for giving the clear guidance about this essay. According to him essay can be studied effectively 3- poled frame of reference, they are: the pole of personal or autobiographical, the pole of objective, the factual, the concrete particular and lastly the pole of the abstract-universal.
Based on this essay, it deals with issue: oppression by the British on the Burmese. The major conflict for the writer is, he is supposed to e the colonizer but the people whom be colonized, persuaded him to kill the elephant. This scenario leads the writer to have dilemma in his life.
All in all, I would say it is an interesting essay to be read since it engages writer’s experiences and manage to capture readers’ attentions. I have to read more essays in developing my creativity in writing an effective essay.

Thursday, April 5, 2007



I could not recall when the last time I wrote a letter was. I guessed may be when I was in childhood years. That was the time I was eager to post the letter to my pen friends from overseas. Honestly, to receive a letter from abroad was an exhilarating experience, since I could show to my friends in my primary schools. Some of them tried to imitate my way!!!!

To me letter is sometimes symbolizes as a complex process. I would really grateful to have e-mail so that we might send e-mails as rapid as possible. It is borderless and cross all the nations